About Me
- bea bea is a software engineer in san francisco Hello! My name is Bea, pronounced (BAY-ah). I started bogwarts on June of 2019, right after graduating college. I was bored out of my mind and did what any millenial would do -- go on instagram and look for the meaning of life there. I may not have found it but I did find really good looking pictures of Ryan Reynolds. In between scrolling through photos of arguably the most good looking man on this planet, I saw some really amazing webcomics on there, and thought it would be very very fun to learn how to draw and make one! Well, 30 comics later I am here, "creating" a website, wondering if anyone will ever look at it. It is on Jekyll, and I have done horrific things like not clean up the boilerplate, and putting inline styles because giving a div a new class, pressing cmd + p, looking up style.css and then styling it could have been time well spent eating nutella. So here is a very bloated jekyll website that looks great in no part of my own.